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Thursday, April 29, 2021

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Importance of Thoughts in Human Life || How positive thinking changes your life || LearnHowl

 Importance of Thoughts in Human Life

Thoughts often control and determine almost everything that happens in human life. Thinking process influences the functioning of a human body as:

  • It can raise or lower your heart rate.  
  • Improve sleeping pattern or keep you awake at night.
  • Affect concentration positively as well as negatively.
  • Thoughts can make sad or happy.
  • They can make you alert and aware.
  • They can make you distracted and depressed.


A human/person can get popular or unpopular by, the way he thinks. Good thoughts spread positivity or make a person feel powerful. But bad thoughts spread negativity or make a person powerless or inferior.

Thoughts are very powerful weapon of an extraordinary mind, that can make a person successful or failure, respected or ignored. Thinking process of a person determine the whole life he is living.

Human body is a complex bundle of thoughts, aspirations, feelings, emotions, fears, hopes, ambitions and opinions and these are keeps on changing.

How a person think, sometimes affects the others in a way that cannot be predicted. A person with good thoughts and attitude always looking confident and may be a good performer. And a person having insecurity, lack of confidence and with negative thoughts are poor performer.

The only real limits on what you can be, do or have are the limits you place on yourself by your own thinking. Your future is virtually unlimited. It is true to be said that you become what you think about most of the time.

A successful person thinks more effectively than unsuccessful person, because the way he thinks regarding his life, relationship, aims, troubles and experiences different from others. A positive attitude brings self-esteem and self-respect.




Thinking is a process which determines everything you do and everything that happens to you. As it is said that, ”what is going on outside of you is a reflection of what is going on inside of you”. One thing that can be completely control by humans in the universe, the way they think.

Your thinking determines or explain as a person you are or interpret the meaning of your feeling whether it is positive or negative. It all start with your thoughts.



A person with positive thinking and attitude always looks confident and stronger. It brings motivation and make you feel energetic. It enhances creativity of doing work.

Positive thinking spread positive vibes and affect your health, level of energy, personality and image in a good way.

The more positive and optimistic you are, the happier you will be in every phase of your life. Positive thinking empowers humans. A human mind holds only one thought at a time, whether positive or negative.

Continuously performing any actions become the habit at a time, like always respond in a positive way and stay optimistic, make permanent habit to think positive which improve the quality of thoughts and living.

Positive thinking leads to a mental health and high performance.

There are many benefits mention below but not limited to, of positive thinking which can make you more productive and valuable:

  •      It brings mental stability.
  •      It overcome stress and anxiety. 
  •      Prevent from depression.
  •      Provide a good attitude.
  •      Improve health.
  •      Build-up ability to cope with problems.
  •      Increase concentration while performing any activity.
  •      Improve social life.
  •      Key to success.
  •      Improve physical health.


“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success ".          -SHIV KHERA



Negative thinking not only destroy your mental health but it can make you physically ill. A person with negative thinking and attitude feels angry, frustrated and unhappy. Negative thinking make you feel weaker and underconfident.

If you want to achieve something in your life, the you have to eliminate negatives emotions. Many negative ideas and attitude are based on false premises.

Negative thinking exists only because we give them life and the keep them alive. A person with negative thinking, always have health issues, mentally illness, poor performance, less level of energy and anger.

It emerges when we feed them by persistently thinking ad talking about things that make us angry or unhappy. They simply undermine your happiness and self-confidence, making you weaker and less effective in other areas of your life. A person with negative thoughts spread negativity around us.




Even business is generating through idea and thoughts. To make yourself successful, you have to give value to such work and thoughts that prove beneficial. No one is successful since childhood, this whole game is about thoughts process, which can make you both successful and failure. The same environment goes on around the way people think. In this way positive thinking always produce good thoughts and ideas, which makes even easier to succeed. It is in your hands that you can write and change your destiny, but for hat you will have to do hard work and persistently good efforts. 

Positive thinking and hard work are such a tremendous combination that turns every big dream into reality. Every successful person is a good thinker. They know how much energy is needed to think about what. There are two major resources to get succeed in any field are time and knowledge. To manage these resources a perfect thinking or thought process is needed. Because everything is controlled by a human through his mind.

It is very important to know how to react in which situation, if you want to achieve something in your life. Successful people in every field have a sense of urgency, as they create their own opportunities and grab them timely. You have fully control on yourself, as you can change the part of your work with which you are not satisfied. You are the one who can empower your abilities and change it accordingly to your opportunities.

Keep working on your skills and abilities to double your productivity, you should have that sort of attitude, what you will want to do, do it now as procrastination is not the solution. Determine your core competencies and objective behind your work/job. Successful people do what they love to do, because life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself. The best way to predict the future is to create it.





No person can become successful by a normal thinking, it is necessary to think something creative to become successful. For a smart person or a good thinker, his thought process is equal to the asset. Everyone is borne with a unique talent and abilities that makes everyone wholly different from each other’s. Different sort of persons has different sort of experiences, thoughts, knowledge and qualification.

For enhancing your capabilities or to think creatively, take initiative in every situation or part of your job. Think broadly regarding every aspect which happening around you or in the environment you are living. A person with positive mindset always has new creative ideas and ability to perform with great extent of concentration and capabilities. In fact, small improvement in the way people think and perform can lead to significant improvement in their performance. So, think creatively people should persistently investing their time in learning and enhancing or expanding the intellectual asset base. 

A person with creative mindset always remains aware of the things happing around him and keep eyes open. The thinking process of any person is not developed so fast, for that he will have to work continuously on his thinking so far that, such person will have to test his life to understand its impact.

 Creative thinking is not an overnight development, it involves a long procedure. Creatively people are constantly studying, not only in their own fields but in other fields as well. It ids not necessary that, the person who takes correct decisions has a creative mindset. Creative mindset is all about experiences, so that’s why people who take wrong decisions can also have a creative mindset.

Think accordingly to the changes. To get successful or to achieve something big you have to give flexibility to your thinking process. The person with creative thinking process has greater extent of personal development. To change your thinking in a positive and constructive way, you must continuously feed your mind with new ideas.





There is neither a limit nor any age to think. You can up to any limit. A good thinking process can lead you to every single thing that was ever felt impossible. The more you have knowledge about your work, the more productive your thinking process will be. Apart from you, no other person can put restriction on your thinking. As it is true to be said that road has speed limit, bank has money limit, exam has time limit, but thinking has no limit, so think big and achieve big.




It is not necessary that you always get success in the fields you are in. Failures and disappointments are everywhere the only difference is how humans deal with them. And this is what creates the concept of positive and negative thinking. Every person has their own different approach to handle their disappointments. A person with positive thinking always sees the brighter side of his life whereas a person with negative thinking always feels demotivated and underconfident. A person with a negative mindset will always have a negative atmosphere.

Do your best in every field you are in and stay honest to yourself every time. Always go ahead with positive thoughts and everything will automatically get better. This whole game is only about positive and negative thinking, if you are optimistic then you will have the solution of every difficult situation.

If you want to get succeed, move out of your comfort zone, dream big, make commitment to achieve or convert them into reality, always believe in yourself and face every difficult situation. It is said that you become what you think most of the time. So that’s why think of as, any positive things as possible so that you can open new opportunities for your life.

 A successful person will always think how they can and what they can do. When you think and talk about what you want, you become more positive, purposeful and creative. It does not matter how big trouble you are trapped in, if you have positive mindset and the ability to get its solution out, then you can change even your luck. You don’t need a new sunrise to start over, you only need a positive mindset.

Wherever you are, what you are doing just keep doing it happily. Don’t let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.






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Friday, April 23, 2021

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Covid-19 Vaccine Registration above 18 years is available from 28 April on Co-win Platform for Free

     Covid-19 Vaccine Registration for people above 18 Years

 The Central Government has announced that those who are age of 18 years and above can register themselves for free of cost for Covid-19 Vaccine Registration from 28 April 2021. From 1st May 2021 Government of India will start to provide vaccine for people above 18 years in designated centers.

Government of India will also continue to provide free vaccination to people of 45 years and above as before.

There is myth regarding the date of Registration i.e. 24th April but it is wrong, Registration will only start from 28 April 2021.

Now, GOI is upgrading the Cowin Platform to get the registration of people of 18 years plus and they get the appointment from 1st May onwards.

Registration for Vaccination will be available at Cowin Platform or Aarogya Setu app. You can register yourself through following three routes:

1. Self-Register in advance to walk into the identified vaccination center for free vaccination.

2. Online Registration on Cowin Portal.

3. Any local Authorities or administration will register for beneficiaries. 

How to Register Yourself?

 A person can simple get registered using his or her mobile number on Co-win Portal by phone number verification. After that they need to fill some details like

- Name

-Date of Birth


-ID Proof 

Documents Required 

Photo Id Proof like,

i) Aadhar Card

ii) Voter Card

iii) Driving License

iv) Passport

v) Pan card

vi) Pension Card

After completion of Registration Process, the registered person will get the text confirmation.

Click here for Registration-

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Monday, February 22, 2021

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How to Reduce Belly Fat From Your Body || Exercises and Diet Plan to Reduce Belly Fat at Home || Belly Fat/Obesity Exercises & Diet Plans

 Nowadays, things have increased significantly related to Obesity. If obesity starts growing then it becomes a little difficult to control it. There are so many people putting on more weight despite their best efforts to prevent it. Reducing fat from the midsection of your body is the biggest hindrance in eliminating weight.


Extra fat around the midsection of your body is often referred to as stubborn fat because no matter what you do it does not seem to budge much. This stubborn fat lies in close proximity to vital organs like liver, kidney and other digestive organs and that’s why it’s a real health concern.

Experts or researchers have found that whole body fat is not created equal and that holds especially true for belly fat.

A good sleeping pattern is also an essential element as a result of a flatter stomach. There is a link between sleeping pattern and cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by your adrenal gland in response to stress. In the same way, sleeping too little or too much results in an excess of production of cortisol. As abdominal fat has a very rich blood supply and has four times more cortisol receptors than other body fat. 

Cortisol tends to store unused fat that has been released by your body in the stress responses. A bloated stomach not only hampers your personality but also makes you uncomfortable. Fat is actually similar to an organ in that it releases compounds into blood and alters hormones levels.


Some causes of belly fats are:

                   -  Consuming too much sugar foods and beverages

-  Consumption of alcohol

-  Untimely eating pattern

-  Lack of physical exercises

-  Consuming too much fast food

-  Incorrect body postures while sitting and standing.

-  Stress and anxiety

-  Improper sleeping pattern

-  Low protein diets

-  Smoking

There are many ways to reduce belly fats for which you will have to work on yourself strictly. It is important to realize that controlling your insulin levels is important in optimizing your weight as it is protecting you against diseases like diabetes because when your insulin level increases it stores carbs as fat in your body. This makes it impossible for you to use your own body fat for energy.

There are many factors that increase belly fat like alcohol, salty food, improper diet plan, stress and others etc. So, to reduce belly fat, we need a proper diet plan and exercise.

To reduce stubborn belly fat, you have to stay away from sugar, liquid calories, sweetened dairy, juices or packaged snacks made with grains and other hidden sources of sugar. Drink plenty of plain water, herbal tea, fruit with lemon slices and reduce your intake of excess grains.

To tighten your tummy and abdominal muscles you need to perform a variety of exercise as there is no single abdominal exercise that challenges your all-abdominal muscles. Apart from doing exercises your back muscles are other factors that hold you up and your stomach in, from behind. In this way, having strong back muscles as well as abs, is essential for a flatter stomach.

Proper Workout

It is believed that exercise is the easiest way to stay fit. Exercise is the most important factor in reducing unwanted body fat and normalizing your insulin levels. To really maximize your weight loss efforts, make sure that you include high intensity interval exercise and strength training in your program. Exercise results in muscles burning calories quite efficiently.

To make your tummy slim and flatter there are some exercises that assist you to burn that stubborn belly fat and to see some real changes to your body.

1.  Jumping Jacks:- For this exercise, you have to jump up widening your leg either hands up or in a clapping over your head. Stay lighter on your feet. It is also known as star jumping.

This exercise burns your calories to a greater extent and also boosts your metabolism.


2.  Mountain Climbers:- For this exercise, you have to get down in a position of high plank, keep palms directly under your shoulders and keep the entire body in one line. After that get your knee toward your chest, then back out again. Make sure you are not lifting your hips up while doing so.


3.  Elbow Plank:- In this, elbows should be under your shoulders and step out onto your toes, keep the entire body in one line and squeeze those abs and hold. While performing this exercise, keep your palms away from each other, pressed onto the ground and try not to move your hips up or too low just in line with the rest of the body.


4.  Russian Twists:- This is the most beneficial for getting rid of those obliques of the love handles. For this, you have to sit down on the floor and bring your legs out straight. Then lean back slightly on your torso so that your upper body is at 45-degree angle. Make sure your torso keeps facing forward.


5.  Flutter Kicks:- In this type of exercise, you have to sit back, and get your feet out in front of you and alternate up and down. Keep your torso upright at an angle, try not to hunch over shoulders back and keep the neck neutral. It helps in keeping the lower body strengthened and flexible.


6.  High Knees:- It is an exercise performed at a fast pace and strengthens all the muscles in your legs. For this, you have to stand with your feet hip-width apart. Get your knee toward your chest and switch to another knee and continue the workout movement. Swing your arms to get extra momentum.


7.  Bicycle Crunches:- This is also an exercise to target your entire abdomen and those obliques as well. For this workout movement, get down on the ground and lie back on the floor, keep your head and shoulders raised slightly upward. Then move the opposite knee to elbow and repeat the same on the other side extending the other leg. Do not forget to keep breathing when you feel abs are contracting.


8.  Leg Tucks In:- In this workout movement, you have to sit back and place both hands behind your body, get your legs out, bring your knees towards your chest and push back out. Breathe out when you extend your legs.


Losing lower body fat is a little difficult but not impossible. The right plan combined with a few exercises may help to lose the stubborn lower body fat.


Proper Diet Plans:

People often suffer from obesity or belly fat due to the habit of eating too much. Consuming unneeded calories that lead to weight gain is opposite of intuitive eating. It involves eating only when you are hungry or avoid unnecessary eating or stopping when you are full. It does not limit what you eat or how much you eat. People suffer from overweight or obesity, eat for reasons that have nothing to do with hunger.

So, healthy diet plans are very important in our life. There are some things that even if we include in our diet, we can reduce our belly fat to some extent.


1.  Lemon Juice:- It has been proved to be the most effective way to reduce belly fat to certain extent. Start your day with lemon juice as this is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Add lemon drops into a glass of warm water and with some salt to it, continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

2.  Nuts:- It is important to add nuts in your healthy diet plan. Nuts are very helpful in reducing belly fat as they are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, so they slim your stomach by keeping it full.


3.  Olive Oil:- It assists in reducing belly fat because the properties of olive oil to lose weight are incredibly powerful as it contains monounsaturated fats therefore it helps to keep your cholesterol under control and satisfying carvings.


4.  Eggs:- As they contain low calories and are considered to be healthiest food to intake. It is highly recommended to eat eggs for breakfast, it gives you a lot of energy and it’s an excellent source of protein. However,  egg yolk contains fat so egg white is preferred much.


5.  Food rich in vitamin C:- Fruits like guavas, oranges, grapes, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries and lemons contain vitamin C which have properties of fat burning characters. Vitamin C dilutes the fat and makes it less potent helping it to be released from the body faster. Apples are also considered to be helpful in maintaining belly fat as the pectin that present in it restrict the cells to absorb fat. It also encourages water absorption  from the food causing the release of fat deposits.


6.  Food rich in Fiber:- Foods that are rich in fibers plays an important role in fighting obesity. It is recommended to consume 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It includes bananas, apples, potatoes, beans and avocados, etc.


7.  Reduce intake of excessive salt:- As sodium contributes to water retention making you look and feel bloated. A human body requires not more than 2400 milligrams of sodium each day but most of us are taking more than twice that amount. So, intake the proper amount of salt in your food to stay healthy.


8.  Do not consume alcohol:- It is another bad consumption habit that results in increasing belly fat. So, limit your alcohol consumption as it contains empty calories and fat, which accumulate around the waist and gives you the bulging paunch. Hence, think twice before getting a drink if you really want to lose your belly fat.


9.  Add some spices in your cooking:- Spice up your cooking with some spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper. These spices are helpful in improving insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood. These spices are also loaded with other several health benefits.


10.  Timely eating habit:- Eating late is not a good habit anyway. It leads to heartburn, indigestion and disturbances in sleeping as a result of gas. Late eating leads to a slow metabolic rate which again helps in building up fat in your body. It is said to be true, as a rule, avoid eating anything before you go to sleep. You must schedule your dinner at least 3 hours before you sleep. This will prevent any kind of problem during sleep and also remove the development of belly fat.



There are many kinds of fruits and foods apart from mentioned above which should be included in a proper diet plan like Yogurt, Cucumber, Barley, Whole grains, Pomegranates and berries etc.

These all foods contain different bioactive compounds that can assist you in reducing the excessive belly fat from your body.


There are some Cardiovascular exercises also that help in losing lower belly fat like jogging, running, bicycling, walking and swimming.

If you have been looking to shed off that stubborn belly fat then above-mentioned fat burning foods and workout movement will be a great help.

Hope you will start making changes to your lifestyles and diet accordingly.

“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.”–– Leigh Hunt



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Saturday, February 13, 2021

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Different Types of Jeans for Girls|| Jeans to wear|| Learnhowl

                                                     Jeans for Girls

In today’s era, dressing sense is becoming a sign of good reputation. Many times, the personality of people is understood by its attire. So, it is important that people should have a sense of which cloth to wear on the different occasions or situations accordingly.

In the same way, different types of jeans are also a part of fashion, which people preferred to wear at different places. Jeans are an essential component of any women’s wardrobe.

There are so many different fits, styles, materials, etc., it’s hard to even know where to start.

Different types of jeans give different shapes to figure. There are so many different kinds of jeans, surely you do not aware to all of them, or even if you think you know all types of jeans, its still fun to shop for more.

Every modern girl can imagine her wardrobe with a good pair of jeans.  These are most comfortable attire that fits in every occasions. It is one of the most worn pieces of clothing in the entire world.


1.   Skinny Jeans

These are the mostly worn jeans by girls. Skinny jeans can be worn on all types of tops. As a name suggest, these are skin hugging and snugly fit. It gives good shape to legs and make you look slim. For showing off the perfect shapes of your legs, these are the best option in the market.

2.  Boyfriend Jeans

Boy friend jeans are tighter around your hips and loosen down on your legs. These types of jeans are perfect for girls who like to hide their legs. If you have thicker thigh then these are great for you. Boyfriend jeans are great choice for curvy women.


3.  Bootcut Jeans

These kinds of jeans are narrow around the thighs and widen out below the knee. Bootcut jeans practically look good with anything. They became popular in 90’s. Now they are back in trends again. They are best wear with laced Top or Jacket, Crisp shirt and with boots and heels.


4.  Flare Jeans

Flare Jeans look best on tall and curvy women those who are round body shapes. These types of jeans are similar to the bootcut jeans. These also have wide opening at the bottom from knee s to ankles. Flare jeans are also tight at the thigh area and flares out at bottom.


5.  Jeggings

Jeggings are similar to leggings as these are with a waist band instead of your regular buttons and zips. These types of Jeans are most comfortable piece of clothing. These will create an ultimate urban-edgy look for your wardrobe.


6.  Low-Rise Jeans

Low-rise Jeans are suitable for women with tall and boxy shaped body and add some curve to your body. These are fitting a few inches below the belly buttons. Low-rise jeans are more suitable for casual occasions and these can pair with high pencil heels.


7.  High-Rise Jeans

High-rise Jeans are great choice for curvier or shorter women. These types of jeans are sat about the navel. These reflect perfect shapes of waist and hip. High-rise jeans flaunt your hour glass body shape.


8.  Ripped Jeans

These types of Jeans are in Trend now-a-days. Ripped Jeans are ripped all over, near thigh at the back. These are super famous and everyone’s favorite. These gives a very smart look to the wearer.


9.  Straight or Cigarette Jeans

These types of Jeans as the name suggest, it is straight and narrow and does not widen at the ankle. These are perfect choice for curvy girls. These type of Jeans gives perfect shape to hips and reflects slim legs. It does not cover ankle and fall just above them.


10.  Jogger Jeans

Last but not the least Jogger Jeans has an elastic waist band with high flexibility and has an uncompromised comfort. These types of Jeans are suitable for pear shaped women. These are also made in Denim fabrics. These are elasticated at ankles also, to make you feel better. These types of Jeans provide you an off-duty looks.

As there are different types of Jeans, you can wear anything of your choice as per your body structure. 

                            Thank you for reading!

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Saturday, July 25, 2020

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Indian Actresses traditional dress up in Parties

Indian Actress Traditional Dress up in the Parties

India is full of tradition and cultures. There are so many cultures and rituals which depict the beauty of our nation. Among them dresses also shows how beautiful people are.

Most of the people in India follow celebrities. What celebrities wear will be a trending fashion in India on a seasonal basis. Due to this Indian citizens have glamorous and fabulous looks in the parties.

Here, while describing the dresses and Indian celebrities, I am showing you how bollywood actresses wear traditional clothes in parties and places.

Katrina inlehenga
Katrina kaif in lehenga


In this picture, Actress Katrina Kaif is wearing a red Savyasachi lehenga and reflecting traditional looks. She wore this lehenga at Anil Kapoor’s Diwali party in 2019. She has also completed the traditional looks with a red bindi and heavy earrings. 

  1. Tara sutaria in lehenga

Actress Tara Sutaria at Arman Jain’s and Alissa Malhotra post wedding Sangeet. Tara Sutaria choosed a show-stopping lehenga designed by Manish Malhotra. She styled her lehenga with traditional jewellery including earrings, choker and potli as handbag.

                                    kiara in lehenga

Actress kiara Advani is looking so glorious and cheerful in this image. She was wearing this pasted pink lehenga at Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta wedding celebrations. This Lehenga was also designed by Manish Malhotra.

She styled her Lehenga with an emerald choker, matching earrings and beautiful Tikka on her Maang.


Aishwarya Rai dress up

Actress Aishwarya Rai’s, once Miss India, was looking exquisite and delicate in this dress. She had been wearing these coordinating black outfits at Bipasha’s and Karan’s wedding reception. 

She donned a black and cream combination Mirror Kurta and Lehenga designed by Manish Malhotra. She styled her lehenga with simple diamond jewellery and straight hair.


kriti sanon lehenga


Kriti Sanon at Ashok Ambani and Shloka Mehta’s wedding celebration, wearing baby Pink Manish Malhotra Lehenga with dark pink border. She accessorised her outfit with a pair of diamond earrings, bangles and multiple rings.


Parineeti Chopra Lehenga

Actress Parineeti Chopra, at Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’s wedding celebration looking royal in a Sabyasachi lehenga. This Royal Sabyasachi lehenga is styled as heavily embroidered with a statement necklace, earrings and maang tikka.


Priyanka lehengaPriyanka lovely lehenga

Actress Priyanka Chopra, at Isha Ambani wedding celebrations, wearing a long sleeved, pale peach Choli and matching Lehenga. 

She styled her lehenga with Maang Tikka, earrings and bangles. The dupatta she was wearing also put her delicate beauty.

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