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Monday, February 22, 2021

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How to Reduce Belly Fat From Your Body || Exercises and Diet Plan to Reduce Belly Fat at Home || Belly Fat/Obesity Exercises & Diet Plans

 Nowadays, things have increased significantly related to Obesity. If obesity starts growing then it becomes a little difficult to control it. There are so many people putting on more weight despite their best efforts to prevent it. Reducing fat from the midsection of your body is the biggest hindrance in eliminating weight.


Extra fat around the midsection of your body is often referred to as stubborn fat because no matter what you do it does not seem to budge much. This stubborn fat lies in close proximity to vital organs like liver, kidney and other digestive organs and that’s why it’s a real health concern.

Experts or researchers have found that whole body fat is not created equal and that holds especially true for belly fat.

A good sleeping pattern is also an essential element as a result of a flatter stomach. There is a link between sleeping pattern and cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by your adrenal gland in response to stress. In the same way, sleeping too little or too much results in an excess of production of cortisol. As abdominal fat has a very rich blood supply and has four times more cortisol receptors than other body fat. 

Cortisol tends to store unused fat that has been released by your body in the stress responses. A bloated stomach not only hampers your personality but also makes you uncomfortable. Fat is actually similar to an organ in that it releases compounds into blood and alters hormones levels.


Some causes of belly fats are:

                   -  Consuming too much sugar foods and beverages

-  Consumption of alcohol

-  Untimely eating pattern

-  Lack of physical exercises

-  Consuming too much fast food

-  Incorrect body postures while sitting and standing.

-  Stress and anxiety

-  Improper sleeping pattern

-  Low protein diets

-  Smoking

There are many ways to reduce belly fats for which you will have to work on yourself strictly. It is important to realize that controlling your insulin levels is important in optimizing your weight as it is protecting you against diseases like diabetes because when your insulin level increases it stores carbs as fat in your body. This makes it impossible for you to use your own body fat for energy.

There are many factors that increase belly fat like alcohol, salty food, improper diet plan, stress and others etc. So, to reduce belly fat, we need a proper diet plan and exercise.

To reduce stubborn belly fat, you have to stay away from sugar, liquid calories, sweetened dairy, juices or packaged snacks made with grains and other hidden sources of sugar. Drink plenty of plain water, herbal tea, fruit with lemon slices and reduce your intake of excess grains.

To tighten your tummy and abdominal muscles you need to perform a variety of exercise as there is no single abdominal exercise that challenges your all-abdominal muscles. Apart from doing exercises your back muscles are other factors that hold you up and your stomach in, from behind. In this way, having strong back muscles as well as abs, is essential for a flatter stomach.

Proper Workout

It is believed that exercise is the easiest way to stay fit. Exercise is the most important factor in reducing unwanted body fat and normalizing your insulin levels. To really maximize your weight loss efforts, make sure that you include high intensity interval exercise and strength training in your program. Exercise results in muscles burning calories quite efficiently.

To make your tummy slim and flatter there are some exercises that assist you to burn that stubborn belly fat and to see some real changes to your body.

1.  Jumping Jacks:- For this exercise, you have to jump up widening your leg either hands up or in a clapping over your head. Stay lighter on your feet. It is also known as star jumping.

This exercise burns your calories to a greater extent and also boosts your metabolism.


2.  Mountain Climbers:- For this exercise, you have to get down in a position of high plank, keep palms directly under your shoulders and keep the entire body in one line. After that get your knee toward your chest, then back out again. Make sure you are not lifting your hips up while doing so.


3.  Elbow Plank:- In this, elbows should be under your shoulders and step out onto your toes, keep the entire body in one line and squeeze those abs and hold. While performing this exercise, keep your palms away from each other, pressed onto the ground and try not to move your hips up or too low just in line with the rest of the body.


4.  Russian Twists:- This is the most beneficial for getting rid of those obliques of the love handles. For this, you have to sit down on the floor and bring your legs out straight. Then lean back slightly on your torso so that your upper body is at 45-degree angle. Make sure your torso keeps facing forward.


5.  Flutter Kicks:- In this type of exercise, you have to sit back, and get your feet out in front of you and alternate up and down. Keep your torso upright at an angle, try not to hunch over shoulders back and keep the neck neutral. It helps in keeping the lower body strengthened and flexible.


6.  High Knees:- It is an exercise performed at a fast pace and strengthens all the muscles in your legs. For this, you have to stand with your feet hip-width apart. Get your knee toward your chest and switch to another knee and continue the workout movement. Swing your arms to get extra momentum.


7.  Bicycle Crunches:- This is also an exercise to target your entire abdomen and those obliques as well. For this workout movement, get down on the ground and lie back on the floor, keep your head and shoulders raised slightly upward. Then move the opposite knee to elbow and repeat the same on the other side extending the other leg. Do not forget to keep breathing when you feel abs are contracting.


8.  Leg Tucks In:- In this workout movement, you have to sit back and place both hands behind your body, get your legs out, bring your knees towards your chest and push back out. Breathe out when you extend your legs.


Losing lower body fat is a little difficult but not impossible. The right plan combined with a few exercises may help to lose the stubborn lower body fat.


Proper Diet Plans:

People often suffer from obesity or belly fat due to the habit of eating too much. Consuming unneeded calories that lead to weight gain is opposite of intuitive eating. It involves eating only when you are hungry or avoid unnecessary eating or stopping when you are full. It does not limit what you eat or how much you eat. People suffer from overweight or obesity, eat for reasons that have nothing to do with hunger.

So, healthy diet plans are very important in our life. There are some things that even if we include in our diet, we can reduce our belly fat to some extent.


1.  Lemon Juice:- It has been proved to be the most effective way to reduce belly fat to certain extent. Start your day with lemon juice as this is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Add lemon drops into a glass of warm water and with some salt to it, continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

2.  Nuts:- It is important to add nuts in your healthy diet plan. Nuts are very helpful in reducing belly fat as they are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, so they slim your stomach by keeping it full.


3.  Olive Oil:- It assists in reducing belly fat because the properties of olive oil to lose weight are incredibly powerful as it contains monounsaturated fats therefore it helps to keep your cholesterol under control and satisfying carvings.


4.  Eggs:- As they contain low calories and are considered to be healthiest food to intake. It is highly recommended to eat eggs for breakfast, it gives you a lot of energy and it’s an excellent source of protein. However,  egg yolk contains fat so egg white is preferred much.


5.  Food rich in vitamin C:- Fruits like guavas, oranges, grapes, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries and lemons contain vitamin C which have properties of fat burning characters. Vitamin C dilutes the fat and makes it less potent helping it to be released from the body faster. Apples are also considered to be helpful in maintaining belly fat as the pectin that present in it restrict the cells to absorb fat. It also encourages water absorption  from the food causing the release of fat deposits.


6.  Food rich in Fiber:- Foods that are rich in fibers plays an important role in fighting obesity. It is recommended to consume 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It includes bananas, apples, potatoes, beans and avocados, etc.


7.  Reduce intake of excessive salt:- As sodium contributes to water retention making you look and feel bloated. A human body requires not more than 2400 milligrams of sodium each day but most of us are taking more than twice that amount. So, intake the proper amount of salt in your food to stay healthy.


8.  Do not consume alcohol:- It is another bad consumption habit that results in increasing belly fat. So, limit your alcohol consumption as it contains empty calories and fat, which accumulate around the waist and gives you the bulging paunch. Hence, think twice before getting a drink if you really want to lose your belly fat.


9.  Add some spices in your cooking:- Spice up your cooking with some spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper. These spices are helpful in improving insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood. These spices are also loaded with other several health benefits.


10.  Timely eating habit:- Eating late is not a good habit anyway. It leads to heartburn, indigestion and disturbances in sleeping as a result of gas. Late eating leads to a slow metabolic rate which again helps in building up fat in your body. It is said to be true, as a rule, avoid eating anything before you go to sleep. You must schedule your dinner at least 3 hours before you sleep. This will prevent any kind of problem during sleep and also remove the development of belly fat.



There are many kinds of fruits and foods apart from mentioned above which should be included in a proper diet plan like Yogurt, Cucumber, Barley, Whole grains, Pomegranates and berries etc.

These all foods contain different bioactive compounds that can assist you in reducing the excessive belly fat from your body.


There are some Cardiovascular exercises also that help in losing lower belly fat like jogging, running, bicycling, walking and swimming.

If you have been looking to shed off that stubborn belly fat then above-mentioned fat burning foods and workout movement will be a great help.

Hope you will start making changes to your lifestyles and diet accordingly.

“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.”–– Leigh Hunt




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